形容词mobile表示“动的”,“活动的”[capable of moving, responding to impulses and emotions],已含主动意义而movable却表示“可动的”,“能动的”[capable of being moved and able to be rearranged],已含被动意义。


Although the player was badly injured, he was still mobile.|尽管这位运动员伤得很重,但还能动。

May workmen aren't mobile if they move to new employment they have difficulties in moving their families.|许多工人是不能流动的他们若是调往新的工作,搬起家来会有许多困难。

Christmas is fixed but Easter is a movabe feast.|圣诞节是固定不变的,但复活节却是每年都变动的节日。

All movable articles including pictures and rugs were taken out of the apartment before the next tenants moved in.|在下一批方可半斤之前,所有能挪动的家具,包括图片和地毯,都搬出了这套公寓。