
We must make a careful study of the matter ...这个问题很值得考究。

His method of study was characteristic .他的学习方法是别开生面的。

Scientists study the composition of the soil .科学家研究土壤的构成。

More comrades will be sent to studyabroad .将派更多的同志出国深造。

The study was known as project anehin .这次调查被称为安内欣计划。

How many hours a day does she studyenglish ?她一天读几小时英文

He had been studying some of the dialects .他早已开始学习几种方言了。

Studying beetles' eyes has already paid off .研究甲虫的眼睛已获成功。

He set his heart on pursuing his studiesabroad .他下决心到国外求学。

He never gives a thought to his studies .他从来不把功课放在心上。