These toes are like funny little fingers . 这些脚趾象是灵巧的小手指。

He can 't put his finger on what is wrong ..


Tuttle laced his fingers behind his head . 塔特尔叉起手指抱着后脑勺。

My dead fingers could not untie the knot . 我的手指麻木了,解不开结。

Keep your fingers crossed that i get the job . 祝愿我找到那项工作吧。

He poured him two fingers of whisky . 他给自己倒了两指幅的威士忌。

She crawled her fingers behind my ear . 她用指头搔搔我的耳朵背后。

He waved his hand and snapped his fingers . 他把手一挥,手指一弹。

He put his injured finger into his pocket . 他将受伤的手指插入兜子里。