1、Turn off lights, sockets, faucets, etc. to avoid waste.

2、 Use less disposable articles, such as disposable paper cups, disposable plastic bags, etc.

3、 Try to choose green travel, such as subway, bus, bicycle, etc.

4、 Try to use both sides of the paper.

5、 There are many kinds of flowers and trees beneficial to the environment in life.

6、 Try to achieve low energy consumption when using high-power electrical appliances, such as: air conditioning on low-carbon mode, refrigerator using the correct gear, etc.

7, try to do garbage classification in life, garbage should be put into the corresponding garbage can, so as not to pollute the environment.

8, try to reduce the use of chemicals, because chemicals contain more complex substances, may cause harm to the environment.

9、 Clear Your Plate Campaign in Life and Don't Waste Food.

10, establish a good concept of life, scientific use of resources, protection