ballpoint penn.原子笔圆珠笔走珠笔书写圆珠笔复数:ballpoint pens 例句1.A ballpoint pen is always used to do his exercises.他的作业总是用圆珠笔做。

2、May I try out thIs ballpoInt pen, please?我试一下这支圆珠笔可以吗3.I want a ballpoint pen.我要买一支圆珠笔。

4、Sometimes, I also buy some lotteries to try my fortune, yet the only prize I get from it is a ballpoint pen.有时候,我也会买一些彩票试试运气,但如今我得到的唯一奖品就是一支原子笔。5.Weird Fact: A mouse can fit through a hole the size of a ballpoint pen怪异的事实:能钻进圆珠笔洞大小的老鼠