用于 such…as to do sth,表示结果,其中的such为限定语,as to do sth 表示结果。如: It was such a loud noise as to wake everybody in the house. 声音很大,屋里的所有人都被吵醒了。

You shouldn’t put such high prices as to frighten your customers off. 你不应该要价这么高,以致把顾客都吓跑了。

6、 用于such as to do sth,表示程度或结果。其中的such是代词,as to do sth引出的结构作程度状语或结果状语。如:

Her illness was not such as to cause anxiety. 她的病不是很重,不必担心。

The pain in her foot wasn’t such as to stop her walking. 她脚疼,但还不至于不能行走。