
1、 买,购买He purchased this stamp at an auction.他在拍卖会中购得这枚邮票。

2、 赢得,获得,努力取得We treasure this dearly purchased victory.我们珍惜这次以惨重的代价换来的胜利。

3、 用起重装置举起(或移动)n.1. 买,购买[U][C]He worked all summer to save money for the purchase of a piano.他工作了一整个夏天,为的是存钱买架钢琴。2. 所购之物[C]He filled the car with his purchases.他把买的东西装满车子。3. 紧抓,紧系He got a purchase on a branch until we came to his rescue.他紧紧抓住一根树枝直到我们把他救下来。

4、 (地产的)年租,年收益5. 起重装置以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供