1 写入所需头文件#include <stdlib.h>/*随机函数的申明*/#include <stdio.h> #include <time.h>

2所需变量的定义 main(){int n,g,c=100,d=0,t

srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) )n=rand()%100 /*产生并调用随机数*/

3 程序其他部分printf("please input the number you guess between 0 to 100t")scanf("%d",&g)while(g!=n){if(g<n) { d=g printf("That was small,n please guess it again and input a number between %d to %dn",d,c)

scanf("%d",&t)g=t}if(g>n) {c=g printf("That was large,n please guess it again and input a number between %d to %dn",d,c) scanf("%d",&t)g=t} }if(g==n)printf("ttt|----------|nttt|you got it|nttt|----------|n")printf("nttt Game overn")getch()}下如为运行结果