lightning cable闪电数据线传输充电线避雷线例句1.Mechanism of OPGW Fiber Optic Cable Lightning Broken Strand and Enhancing of Lightning Impulse Withstand Level架空地线复合光缆雷击断股机理和耐雷水平的提高 lightning flash : A lightning to aerial cable or to the ground surface within the equivalent arcing distance D from buried cable .直接雷雷击架空光缆,或雷击地表面与地埋光缆的距离小于等效电弧长度D。

3、Lightning damage to the cable system is very strong. In the cable television systems, lightning protection design is a very important job.雷电对有线电视系统的风险十分强烈,在有线电视系统中,防雷设计是一项十分主要的工作。4.Study about Induced Overvoltage on Control Cable by Lightning Current Flow in Ground Wire雷电流流过地线时控制电缆感应电压的研究