quantitative easing的意思是”量化宽松“量化宽松是经济学里的名词为了刺激经济发展,美联储陆续推出了一系列量化宽松(Quantitative Easing)政策,在维持低利率的基础上,通过购买国债等行为,向市场注入了大量流动性资金。相关短语quantitative monetary easing policy 定量宽松货币政策Quantitative Easy Easing 量化宽松outright quantitative easing 接型宽松政策Quantitative Easing II 第二轮量化宽松政策 化宽松政策QE quantitative easing 量化宽松政策Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy 量化宽松货币政策 币政策 量化货币 量化宽松Its Quantitative Easing Program 它定量宽松计划Quantitative Easing 2 政策 宽松货币政策 轮量化宽松货币政策 美国二次量化宽松政策Quantitative Easing 3 量化宽松政策 轮量化宽松政策 次量化宽松政策例句And so from the Fed's point of view, with high unemployment and inflation well below its target, it should do quantitative easing. 因此,从美联储的观点出发,考虑到高失业率和低于目标的通胀压力,应该实行量化宽松政策。Although this is not a full revival of quantitative easing, it does mean there will beno "quantitative uneasing" through the scheduled rundown of facilities. 尽管这不是量化宽松的回归,但是这也意味着有计划的减少投资工具的"量化非宽松"一去不复返。In short, there is a basic assumption that at some stage more asset-buyingquantitative easing (QE) to pump up markets and growth is on the cards, with theonly questions being when and in what form. 总而言之,有这样一个基本前提,即在一定阶段有可能采取购买资产的量化宽松政策以支撑市场和促进经济成长,问题仅在于何时采取行动以及采用何种方式.