
1、A colony of bees and turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax. 一群蜜蜂把发动机当作了蜂房,发动机在蜂蜡中被完整地保存了下来。

2、Water from three glaciers empties into lituya bay, which is over 700 feet deep in places. 水流从三条冰河泻入lituya海湾,其中深逾700英尺的地方有好几处。

3、The whole process is a frustrating mess, one that apple will likely try to solve by building a cross-platform search engine into its tv. 整个过程之麻烦让人抓狂,因此苹果将可能试图在设备内构建一个跨平台检索的搜索引擎。