cellular network英 [ˈseljələ ˈnetwə:k] 美 [ˈsɛljəlɚ ˈnɛtˌwɚk][计] 细胞网络蜂窝网络细胞网络蜂窝式网络蜂巢式网路双语例句1. Cellular network computing verb ( CVCN ) theory is applied to the calculation of the verb Automata. 计算动词元胞网络 ( CVCN ) 是将计算动词理论运用于元胞自动机.2. The location based on wireless cellular network and satellites are all hotspot technology today.基于蜂窝的定位与基于卫星的定位都是当今无线定位的研究热点.3. In this paper, we proposed a novel wireless communications architecture: distributed virtual cellular network ( DVCN ). 本文提出了一种新的无线系统结构: 基于分布式天线的 分布式虚拟 小区网络.4. An application of cellular neural network ( CNN ) in mathematical morphology is presented. 给出了细胞神经网络 ( CNN ) 在数学形态学中的应用.5. All the CA rules can be implemented with Cellular Neural Network ( CNN ). 所有的CA规则都可以用细胞神经网络 ( CNN ) 实现.