
We paid back the loans seven years earlier .我们提前七年还清了贷款。

She let slip that she had not paid her tax .她偶然说出她还没交税呢。

I paid my bill and have several pounds over ..我付了账还剩了好几镑。

Have you paid that money to the bank yet ?你把那笔钱付给银行了吗

She has spent all her recent pay risen .她把新增加的工资都花光了。

Each participant was to pay his own expenses .每个参加者都必须自费。

Babbitt paid his bill, said adequately .巴比特付了款,有分寸地说。

I broke the glass , so i 'll pay for it ..玻璃是我打碎的,由我来赔。

Pay no attention to the arguments between us .别在乎我们之间的争论。

They paid for their wine, and left the place .他们付过酒钱出去了。