
(储存大量东西的地方) storing place depository deposit:

宝藏 precious (mineral) deposits

矿藏 mineral deposits

(佛教或道教的经典的总称) Buddhist or Taoist scriptures:

大藏经 the great scriptures

佛藏 Buddhist sutra Buddhist scriptures

(指西藏) short for the Xizang Autonomous Region

(藏族) the Zang nationality


(躲藏 隐藏) hide conceal:

狐狸尾巴是藏不住的。 A fox cannot hide its tail.

他藏在树后。 He concealed himself behind the trees.

(收存 储藏) store lay by:

藏粮于民 store grain among the people

你把你的钱藏在什么地方? Where do you keep your money?

所有事实都藏在他的记忆里。 All the facts were stored in his memory.