outstanding 意思是:adj. 杰出的显著的未解决的未偿付的n. 未偿贷款发音:英 [aʊt'stændɪŋ] 美 ['aʊt'stændɪŋ] 比较级 more outstanding 最高级 most outstanding例句:1、He was an outstanding painting on religion. His name is also associated with Taoism. 他是一位杰出的宗教画家,连他的名字也与道教有关。2、And I know how proud you are of this outstanding accomplishment. 我知道你们也为这项杰出的成就感到无比自豪。3、This provides an indication of the outstanding defect burden, including defects not yet discoveredin code not yet written! 这指示了显著的缺陷负担,包括在还没撰写的代码中没有发现的缺陷!


相关短语:outstanding achievement 业绩杰出成就outstanding performance 出色表现杰出的表现outstanding work 出色的工作outstanding student 优秀学生,杰出学生outstanding feature 显著特点shares outstanding 净发股票流通在外股票outstanding balance 未清余额outstanding debt 未偿还的债务outstanding claims 未决赔款,货币索取权outstanding question 未决问题outstanding amount 债务总额,未偿还部分outstanding share 流通在外的股票已发行股票