正说反译和反说正译法(negation) ,这种方法是指为照顾目的语习惯,原语中肯定的或否定的表达可转换成目的语中否定的或肯定的表达。

1、 One by one, these friends, acquaintances, and strangers from the different times of my shortened life stood by the casket to say farewell, adieu, zaijian .

参考译文:在我提前结束的生命里,我在不同时期所结交的朋友, 认识的熟人,还有一些陌生人,都一一走到我的棺材前,操着不同的 语言跟我说“再见”。

2、 And before Marlena could lash into him for such a callous remark, he aimed his finger toward the other side of the lobby.

参考译文:不等朱马琳指责他对别人漠不关心,他便朝大厅的另一 头指了指。

3、 The major reason given was that the girls' own expectations declined because neither their families nor their teachers expected them to prepare for a future other than that of marriage and motherhood.
