CTAIS abbr. 中国税收征管信息系统(China Taxation Administration Information System) 双语例句:

1、This technology was used successful in the project of "third of CTAIS". 成功在“金税三期”资源整合中界面整合及门户项目得到应用。

2、Though the good results are obtained, yet the ratepaying evaluations of CTAISare still adopting manual evaluation, not automatic evaluation. 但在现有CTAIS中,纳税评定环节却是采用人工评定的方法,没有实现评定自动化。

3、CTAIS adopts ODS technique to store subject data, and exeplores an OLAP toolwhich is characterized by muliple-dimension analysis , data drilling faction. CTAIS数据分析系统采用了ODS作为主题数据的数据存储机制 数据表现机制的实现采用了工具化策略。