financial intermediation:金融中间媒介作用。例句:

Diversity also enhances efficiency in financial intermediation and promotes economic growth and development.金融中介渠道的多元化发展,亦可促进金融中介活动的效率,有利经济增长及发展。

Equally convincing arguments apply to the equity and debt channels of financial intermediation.同时具说服力的论点亦适用于股票及债券金融中介渠道。

He said that the diversity of financial intermediation channels is essential to the maintenance of financial stability.他指出金融中介渠道多元化,是维系金融稳定的必要条件。

The HK dollar interbank market plays a central role in the financial intermediation process.港元银行同业市场在金融中介过程中扮演主要角色。

Evolution of financial intermediation are theoretically explained along three dews.对金融中介演变规律的理论解释是基于三条线索展开的。