
When I came to see you, the winds of the four fields came to meet me.

2、我将违背我的天性 忏逆我的本能 永远爱你。

I will repent against my natural instinct to love you forever.

3、月亮照回湖心,野鹤奔向闲云,我步入你 。

The moon returns to the center of the lake, the wild crane runs to the idle clouds, And I step into you.

4、爱上你这件事太妙了 三缄其口却又四海生风 有亏盈 有枯荣

It's so wonderful to fall in love with you


Forget the flowers you planted in the past and love the trees that bear fruit.


There's a rumor that I like you, but let me clarify, that's not a rumor.


You must have been tired last night because you ran non-stop in my dream.


In the next life, I want to grow up with you. For the rest of my life, I will be with you.


I keep a fawn, usually can be docile, but saw you, jump up and down, I rope can not tie.


Colorful hyacinth, shaking my first love. Your bright eyes kindled the passion of my youth.


I love you is too heavy to like you but too slight. The best promise I can give you at this age is that I want to be with you.

12、借我七秒的时间好不好,三秒说我爱你,四秒让我拥抱你。你今天特别讨厌 讨人喜欢和百看不厌。

Lend me seven seconds, three seconds to say I love you, four seconds to let me hug you. You have a particularly unpleasant and tiresome nature today


Don't ask how deep I love you is, I really can't tell, just know that you have become a habit in my life, indispensable habit, every day, can not eat, do not sleep, but can not stop thinking of you.