age of reason:理性时代理性时期理性的时代例句:

1、He has become the Sage and Monarch of the Age of Reason.他已成为理性时代的智者和君王。

2、Though the 18th century is called the Age of Reason, it was anything but.虽然18世纪被称为是理性时代,但却恰恰相反。

3、May be due to the age of reason, I have started some changes.可能是因为年龄的缘故,我已经开始有些改变了。

4、Philosophy experienced the peak in the age of reason, we began a moreprofound, reflection to reason.哲学在经历了理性时代的巅峰后,开始了更为深刻的对理性的反思。

5、But, this is not a "true" age of reason, the "truth" became a joke.只是,这不是“真”的时代,所以,“真”便成了玩笑。