get about 徘徊,走动,旅行流传

get above oneself 自视高傲

get accustomed to 习惯于,对~~习以为常 

get across 度过,通过,横过说服,使理解

get ahead of 胜过,超过 

get along 前进,进步同意离去

get along with 与~~相处 get at 发现,了解掌握攻击

have got to do 不得不, 

get away 离开,逃脱

get back 取回,回来报复 

get behind 落后识破

 get down 咽下写下使沮丧,使抑郁 get down to 认真对待,静下心来

 get familiar with 熟悉 

get hold of 获得,取得