


例如:He played the violin beautifully. beautifully 是此句中的方式状语,告诉我们他拉(小提琴)得如何。

Barbala read quietly in the library all afternoon. 此句中有3个状语,quietly/ in the libraly/ all afternoon.分别告诉我们read这个动作的方式、地点、时间。

When he saw the door open, the stranger entered the house.此句中when he saw the door open这个句子做时间状语,叫时间状语从句。这个句子还可以改写为:

Seeing the door open , the stranger entered the house. 把时间状从简化成了现在分词短语。

After it was destroyed during the war , the city has now been completely rebuilt. after引导时间状语从句。这个句子还可以改写为:

Destroyed during the war , the city has now been completely rebuilt. 从句简化成了过去分词短语。

I went into the garden to pick some flowers. to do短语(不定式短语)作目的状语。


I went to bed hungry. hungry 在此句中做状语。

Tired of sleeping on the floor , a young man save up for years to buy a real bed. tired of ..floor 在句中作原因状语。

所以总结一下:副词, 副词短语, 介词短语,副词性的从句,-ing短语,-ed短语, 不定式,形容词都可以做状语。