relax英音:[ri'læks]美音:[rɪ'læks] (瑞兰克斯) 及物动词 vt.

1、使松弛,使松懈,放松He lagged far behind his classmates because he had relaxed his efforts. 他因为放松了努力,故远远落后于班里同学。

2、缓和放宽减轻The judge relaxed the rules. 法官放宽了规则。

3、使轻松使休息She relaxed her mind by listening to music. 她听听音乐使大脑得到休息。不及物动词 vi. 1.松弛,松懈,放松His muscles relaxed. 他的肌肉放松了。2.缓和放宽减轻The heat did not relax until midnight. 直到半夜,炎热才缓解。3.变得不拘谨变得和蔼变得宽松His manner relaxed. 他变得随和了。

4、松散休息He took a glass of beer and relaxed after a day's work. 一天工作下来,他喝杯啤酒轻松一下。
