
look for 不能拆开。ask for 就能拆开

比如:look after为及物的短语动词,意为“照顾、照料”,而不是看后面的意思。

look at则不是短语动词,因为look为不及物动词,at为介词,后接名词构成介词短语作目标状语,表示往某个地方看,其意义就是look的意义和at的意义的简单相加。

我们可以说He looked carefully at the map.

但不可以说He looked carefully after the baby. 只能说He looked after the baby carefully.

当我们写定语从句时,关系代词为宾语时look after不可拆分,但关系代词作at的宾语时,look at可以拆分。例如:

可以说:The map at which he is looking carefully is mine.

也可以说:The map which/that he is looking at carefully is mine.

但我们只能说,The baby that/who/whom he is looking after carefully is his sister.

不能说:The baby after whom he is looking carefully is his sister