潮汕文化,Chaoshan Culture

1)Chaoshan Culture潮汕文化

1、Shantou Is One Of The Five Special Economy Zones In China, And Belongs To Chaoshan Culture Region.汕头位于潮汕文化区,是我国五大经济特区之一,从1861年开埠至今,汕头文化在这个城市经济的起落过程中不可避免地充当了诱因,同时也随经济环境、社会环境的变化而随之产生变革。

2、Propelled Violently By The Historic Transformation In Chaoshan Society In Modern Times,Chaoshan Culture Underwent The Shift From Ancient Agriculture To Modern Business Culture,And Provided Enormous Support And Theoretical Guidance For The Modern Economic And Social Development In Chaoshan Area,Thus Accelerating The Modernization Process Of Chaoshan Area.潮汕文化在近代潮汕社会发生历史性转变的有力推动下,从古代农业文化向近代商业文化嬗变,为近代潮汕经济社会发展提供了强大的支撑力和理论指引,推进了潮汕社会的近代化进程。

3、The Culture Admiring Han Yu Is A Feature Of Chaoshan Culture.崇韩文化是潮汕文化一大神奇特异的风貌。