award:美 [əwɔrd]英 [əwɔː(r)d]n.奖奖金奖品奖学金v.授予给予奖励判给复数:awards 现在分词:awarding 过去分词:awarded双语例句:

1、The general decided to promote him and award him with medals of bravery andhonor.将军决定提升他的官职并授予他英雄荣誉勋章。

2、But history has not always been kind to previous winners of the Time award.不过,历史并不总是善待《时代》杂志此前的年度人物。

3、His award were not a pair of gym shoes but a new space for him to develop.奖品并不是运动鞋,但为阿里开辟了新的空间。

4、He said he accepted the award with "deep gratitude and great humility. "他表示他对得这一奖项“深怀感激并深表谦恭”。